Research was conducted in 2015 by leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin et
al. who examined the neurological effects of the Access Bars on 60 participants

By measuring brain waves on people before and after a Bars session, this research revealed similar effects on brain coherence, where 85% of participants indicated an increase in coherence. Additionally, he discovered that Access Bars has a positive neurological effect on the recipient similar to those experienced by advanced meditators and it produces these results immediately.

Watch the Review of Access Bars® by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin:

Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD. DNM conducted scientific research on the effects of
Access Bars® on anxiety and depression, published in the Journal of Energy
Psychology in 2017

Some results of this research study showed:

  • The severity of anxiety symptoms were reduced by 84.7% on average.
  • The severity of depression symptoms were reduced by 82.7% on average.
  • All participants showed an increase in Brain Coherence

Dr. Hope also found that participants who, before the 90-minute Access Bars session,
reported a sense of past failure, self-criticalness, loss of pleasure, and agitation, all
reported 100% of these symptoms were resolved after the session.

“Treatment with Access Bars was associated with a significant decrease in the severity
of symptoms of anxiety and depression and an increase in EEG coherence. These
results suggest that Access Bars may be useful as a treatment for anxiety and

Watch Dr Dain Heer and Dr Terrie Hope Interview below: